@article{oai:nagoya-wu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001058, author = {杉山, 章 and スギヤマ, アキラ}, journal = {名古屋女子大学紀要, Journal of the Nagoya Women's College}, month = {Mar}, note = {P(論文), "1.河川の底生動物群集を決定している環境要因は多様であるが,その1つである懸濁物質(SS)との関係について報告した.2.調査水域は水質からみると有機汚濁の少ない水域であり,また底生動物が全体的に豊富に生息する水系であった.3.SSの増加に対し底生動物現存量(湿潤重量)は指数関数的な減少傾向が認められ,SSによる底生動物のhabitatの減少を通しての影響が示唆された.4.底生動物群集の構成メンバーについて摂食性の違いにより分類してその現存量比とSSとの関係をみると, CollectorやGrazerについてはその食餌採集や生産と大変密着していると考えられる変動が示された.", "Benthic fauna have frequently been used the environmental indicater for river water. The primary object of this study was to give a relations hip of Suspended Solid(SS)in the water on the basis of Benthic fauna in the Tomoe River and the Otsu River (including the Otoko River). Water samples were collected sixteen stations along the both rivers from Summer of 1978 to Winter of 1979, and some chemical proparties (Water Temperature ℃, pH, DO mg/l, BOD, COD, SS, T.inorg, N, TSP) were measured. Benthic fauna were also discassed by sampling animals twice at each station with a quadrate (50cm×5Ocm) and a surbernet. Consequently, it was found that there was little domestic and industrial waste discharge. Without SS, chemical properties of water samples in the Tomoe River werelittle less than in the Otsu River. The mean of SS in the Tomoe River was about three times higher than that in the Otsu River. Mean Biomass(wet weight) of Benthic animals in the Otsu River was about twice as that in the Tomoe River. There was negative relation between Biomass (log) of Benthic animals and SS. From the relation between par-centage of Collector Biomass or Grazer Biomass and SS,it was suggested that SS was influenced on the collecting ability or the productivity of food for Benthic animals."}, pages = {133--138}, title = {巴川・乙川における底生動物群集に対する懸濁物質の影響}, volume = {28}, year = {1982} }