@article{oai:nagoya-wu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001090, author = {杉山, 章 and スギヤマ, アキラ}, journal = {名古屋女子大学紀要, Journal of the Nagoya Women's College}, month = {Mar}, note = {P(論文), "1.木曽川とそれに流入する支流新境川において水質の日周変化を調査した.2.昼夜観測の結果,新境用は木曽川本川に比較して,有機物量・栄養塩類量共に多く,流域からの人為的負荷が認められた.3.特にMBASとリンに正の相関が見られたことから,合成洗剤中のリンによる富栄養化の進行がかなりあることが示きれた.4.流域の下水道設備がない事は,この水域の水質汚濁と富栄養化に大きく影響していると考えられた.", "In order to find relationship between Synthetic detergents and phosphate (PO_4-P + DOP) in water of rivers, daily changes of some chemical proparties were examined in the Kiso river and the Shinsakai river. Water samples were collected at three stations in these rivers at every two hours from a.m. 5:00 August 6th to a.m. 5:00 August 7th 1981, and then disolved oxygen (DO), water temperature (WT), suspended solid (SS), BOD, COD, total soluble phosphate (TSP) and Metylen blue active substances (MBAS) were mesured. Consequently, there were much domestic waste dischage in the Shinsakai river. It was found that positive relation between MBAS and TSP was remarkable, and sugested that phosphate included synthetic detergents was an important facter for eutrophcation on this river."}, pages = {85--89}, title = {木曽川とその支流新境川におけるMBASとリンの日周変化}, volume = {29}, year = {1983} }