@article{oai:nagoya-wu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000014, author = {氏原, 陽子}, issue = {59}, journal = {名古屋女子大学紀要, Journal of Nagoya Women's University}, month = {Mar}, note = {This paper aims to make clear the existence of an intentional hidden curriculum and define the hidden curriculum. First, this paper criticizes hidden curriculum arguments that regard hidden curriculum as unintentional learning outcome. Since these arguments can go up Bloom, this paper reviews Bloom and shows that the biggest problem is the difficulty in judging whether there is intention or not.  Second, this paper investigates into intentional hidden curriculum. Portelli argues about the hidden curriculum which is intended by teachers. Some teachers have demonstrated intentional hidden curriculum and show a list of strategies to teach them.  Third, this paper defines hidden curriculum as skills or norms which teachers intentionally teach, or the teachers’ strategy which teachers intentionally exercise, that arise from teachers’ frame and are the background of interactions between everyday knowledge and educational knowledge.}, pages = {149--159}, title = {意図的な隠れたカリキュラム}, year = {2013} }