@article{oai:nagoya-wu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002121, author = {谷, 由美子 and 糟屋, 優子 and タニ, ユミコ and カスヤ, ユウコ}, journal = {名古屋女子大学紀要. 家政・自然編, Journal of Nagoya Women's University. Home economics・natural science}, month = {Mar}, note = {P(論文), "Male-Wistar adult rats were divided into four groups, namely test groups (oolong tea, green tea or coffee) and a control group (water), and each of the test groups was subdivided into non-exercise group and forced swimming (30 min/day) group. The rats were fed 1% cholesterol diet during ten weeks. The following results were obtained: 1) Adipose tissue ratio to body weight was slightly low in the green tea groups of both the non-exercise and the exercise. Body weight gain, adipose tissue and liver ratio to body weight significantly decreased in every exercise groups. 2) The lipids of liver in the oolong tea group were high level in every non-exercise groups, but were significantly decreased by the exercise. 3) Triglyceride and total cholesterol of serum showed that the green tea group was the lowest levels in the non-exercise groups. By taking the exercise, triglyceride in the coffee group decreased, and HDL-cholesterol increased and atherogenic index decreased in every drinking groups."}, pages = {61--68}, title = {脂質代謝におよぼす市販ウーロン茶および運動負荷の影響}, volume = {36}, year = {1990} }