@article{oai:nagoya-wu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000634, author = {南川, 幸 and ミナミカワ, ミユキ}, journal = {名古屋女子大学紀要, Journal of the Nagoya Women's College}, month = {Mar}, note = {P(論文), "食用担子菌類のfungiのisolationおよびPure cultureの研究の一部として今回はTricholoma matsutake, T.flavovirens, T. aggregatum, Lactarius hatsudake, Balelopsis leucomelas, Sarcodon asperatusなどを試料にfruit bodyからの菌の分離に関して行なった実験結果について報告した.1)一般に培地面に移植したのち,8時間ほどで多くの菌糸が発生をはじめ,6日後には淡白色を呈する菌糸そうが構成される.2)fruit bodyの菌傘部,菌柄部,ひだ部の三部位よりの移植においてはひだ部が最も良好な結果が得られることが明らかになった.", "I reported on the isolation of the hyphas from Tricholoma matsutake, T. flavouirens, T. aggregrala, Lactarius hatsudake, Boletopsis leucomela, Sacorodon asperatus etc. The result of there are as under mentioned. Generally, the hypha germinated after 8th hour removed to the calture medium and becames white colour and formed a rizomorph after 6th days. I have removed the fruit bodies of fungous roof, stick and gill to the culture medium. That result, the hypha the most developed in the gill which is used."}, pages = {63--67}, title = {食用担子菌類の培養と分類に関する研究(第4報)}, volume = {11}, year = {1965} }