@article{oai:nagoya-wu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000716, author = {平野, 年秋 and 南川, 幸 and 大沢, つね子 and ヒラノ and ミナミカワ and オオサワ}, journal = {名古屋女子大学紀要, Journal of the Nagoya Women's College}, month = {Mar}, note = {P(論文), "食用担子菌類の常温における保存により,一般成分は量的にどのような成分変化が起るかについて,比較実験を行なった.1.比較的水分の多いCantharellus cifafiusと水分量の少ないGrifolea frondosaの新鮮物と5日間保存したキノコについて定量し,比較考察を行なった.2. Cantharellus cifarius, Grifoola frondosaともにマンニット・トレハロース・水分は多少減少の傾向を示した.3.粗タンパク質・炭水化物・粗センイ・粗脂肪・エルゴステリン・ビタミンB_1・灰分は多少増加傾向を示した.", "Changes of chemical component of esculent fungi during storage under room temperature were analyzed. 1) Fruit bodies of Cantharellus cibarius, relatively juicy, and Crifola frondosa, relatively dry, were analyzed for chemical composition, and compared between fresh fruit body and stored one for 5 days. 2) Mannit, trehalose and moisture decreased slightly in both fungi. 3) Crude protein, crude fat, crude fiber, carbohydrate, ergosterol, thiamine and ash had a tendency to increase."}, pages = {81--86}, title = {食用担子菌類の保存による成分の変化について}, volume = {16}, year = {1970} }