@article{oai:nagoya-wu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000790, author = {南川, 幸 and 塩谷, つね子 and 平野, 年秋 and ミナミカワ and エンヤ and ヒラノ}, journal = {名古屋女子大学紀要, Journal of the Nagoya Women's College}, month = {Mar}, note = {P(論文), "日本産ヒダナジタケ目Aphyllophorales中の肉質キノコ類に関し,その菌類分類学的位置および種の特徴をまとめ,肉質キノコ類を含む科の菌類分類学的特徴について言及し,ヒダナシタケ目中最も美味で広く世界的に利用されているアンズタケ科Cantharellusの成分,特にPro-Bitamine D_2 エルゴステリンに関して定量測定を進め次の結果を得た.1.アンズタケ科のエルゴステリンの含有量はほぼ0.08%から0.2%ぐらいまである.2.アンズタケ科のうちオオムラサキアンズタケが0.19%,ヒナアンズタケの0.17%,アンズタケの0.16%が比較的多く,つづいてベニウスタケ,ミキイロウスタケ,クロラッパタケ,シロアンズタケモドキの0,10%で,アクイロウスタケ,アカラッパタケは比較的少ない.3.エルゴステリンは成熟が進むにつれて増加する傾向が明らかになった.4.エルゴステリンは子実体の各部位により含有量に大きな差がある.すなわち菌傘部に多く菌柄部が少ない.", "Ergosterol contents of esculent fungi belonging to Cantharellaceae were analyzed. Fruit bodies of this family contain from 0.08 to 0.02% ot ergosterol. Relatively large values are 0.19% of Cantharellus purpuraceus, 0.17% of Can. minor and Can. cibarius, continued by 0.15% of Can. cinnabarinus, 0.14% of Can. pallidus, and 0.10% of Can. floccosus, Can. infundibuliformis, Craterellus cornucopioides and Can. odoratus var. albus. Can. cinereus and Cra. aureus contain relatively low level of ergosterol, 0.08% and 0.076% respectively. On the other hand, the authors obtained the following values; 0.23% of Tricholoma matsutake and Lyophyllum aggregatum, 0.14% of Boletopsis leucomelas, 0.13% of Cortinarius elatior and 0.25% of Pholiota nameko. Namely, fruit bodies of Cantharellaceae contain relatively low level of ergosterol. Since the difference of ergosterol content resulted from the stage of ripeness or method of preservation was observed, fruit bodies, in various stages of ripeness were analyzed. In these fruit bodies, ergosterol increases as ripeness. This substance was also analyzed about difference among parts of fruit boody. Can. cibarius contained this substance 0.23% in the pileus and 0.15% in the stalk. Pileus of Can. floccosus contained 0.135% and 0.11% in the stalk. Namely, the pileus contained more ergosterol than the stalk of these two species."}, pages = {21--34}, title = {日本産キノコ類ヒダナシタケ目Aphyllophorales肉質キノコ類の成分に関する研究(VI) : アンズダケ科のエリゴステリン}, volume = {19}, year = {1973} }